Sunday, October 12, 2014

Why Read?

My husband describes me as an "avid reader"....and it's true!  I love to read...and I take a book nearly everywhere I go.  Each evening I end the day by reading before I go to bed.  And it's been this way as long as I can remember.  Growing up I remember my book bag being filled with Ramona books, Baby-Sitters Club, and Little House series. 

I like to set reading goals for myself.  For 2014, I challenged myself to read 100 books.  That's 8-9 a month!  So far I've been doing good...but I may be having a reading marathon New Years Eve!

I have recently joined another challenge...the Knollwood Elementary 5th Grade "Stack the Spines" challenge.  I am excited to read titles along with our KES students; (and beat all the teachers!).  To even the playing field, I will not be counting books with 300+ pages as two books, they will still just be one spine for me. 

So many times I am asked, "Why do you like to read?"  For me, reading is an escape.  I love to get lost in a story, connect with the characters, and guess what comes next in the plot. 

So I hope you will try out reading, and join in on a reading challenge of your own!